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Where Transformation begins One Step at a Time

Home: Welcome

Take the Journey

Karen Macpherson, NP-C,CMS-CHt,FIBH
Certified Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy


Welcome to MacPherson Hypnotherapy where the power of the mind meets the path to healing.  As a seasoned Nurse Practitioner with over 30 years of experience, I bring a unique blend of medical knowledge and clinical expertise to the realm of hypnotherapy.


My journey in hypnotherapy began with extensive training in both Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapy allowing me to guide you through a transformative experience that taps into your mind's incredible potential.  I approach each session as an honor and a privilege, combining passion and integrity to help you uncover the depths of self-discovery and embark on a profound journey towards healing

Home: About

A Sampling of Available Services


Hypnotherapy is a gateway to unlocking the innate power of your mind, enabling you to make the positive changes you desire.  Trust in the process, as we pave the way for growth, empowerment, and lasting transformation.


Improve Quality of Life

Unveil the hidden beliefs and patterns that may be holding you back from achieving your goals.  Embrace positive change, enrich relationships and unlock your full potential.

Hugging a Pillow

Medical Support: Pain and Chronic Illness

Do you have an upcoming surgery or suffer from chronic pain? Hypnotherapy can boost the immune system, promote pain relief and improve healing time and recovery.

Outdoor Meditation

Calm Fears and Anxieties

Many are dealing with added stress and anxieties in their life right now.  Others have certain fears like flying, public speaking, test taking and needles that effect their life. Hypnosis can help to decrease the intensity of these fears.
Just imagine how different your life could be.

Girl Walking Up Wooden Stairs

Create a Healthier You

Discover why you smoke or have trouble loosing weight and take the steps to to a happier healthier life.

Sleeping with Eye Mask

Improve Sleep

Hypnotherapy relaxes the mind and inner chatter allowing for a more peaceful, restful sleep

Retro alarm clock or vintage alarm clock in old hand. Time is running out concept shows cl

Past Life Regression, Natal and Interlife

Personal growth
Find special talents and abilities
Explore current life relationships and how they relate to past experiences

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Unleash your healing potential


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